Thursday, April 14, 2016

3 Month Check-up (3 1/2 actually)

I had my 3 month check-up, well it was actually closer to 3 1/2 months, but it went okay.  According to the doctors scale I am down 46 pounds from my first visit, 48 from my heaviest.  I'll take it!  That is close enough to 50 for me.  The doctor said I am losing weight well and I liked that too.

     This is all despite the fact that I just lost my 26 year old brother this past Friday night, April 8 2016.  He was out with his buddies listening to a band.  One minute he was there and the next minute he was gone.  The coroner's preliminary report was that he had an enlarged heart and that his heart just stopped.  It was not a heart attack.  This is all the more reason for me to get healthy.  I'm worried that it is hereditary.  I will miss him very much.

    To be honest with you all, I cheated BIG TIME.  That was the way I always dealt with grief.  But then at the wake I ate nothing.  So it balanced out, I guess.  So for myself and my family it is now going to be one day at a time.  Same thing for my eating and weight loss.  One day at a time.

I also wanted to point you to my daughter's blog Sleeve Me Baby.  She is a much better writer than I am and she is only 22.  Go check it out.