Saturday, May 28, 2016

5 months out and still loving it!

Wow has these past few months flown by!!!!  A lot has been going on in my life, including a giant plateau!!!  I have been bouncing between the same two or three pounds for over a month now.  Why?  Oh, I know why.  I have not had anytime to exercise.  I have been working like crazy and been super busy after work.  So hard to get that extra time in when you are falling asleep on your feet.  I have also been eating fruit and craving sugar and my hormone swings are out of control.  The fruit and giving in to my sugar cravings has caused my stall in weight loss.  Yes, Cherrish, you were exactly right!  I went from dropping 1/2 pound to a pound a day to a complete stop, almost like I crashed into a brick wall.  My fault. The hormones add to additional cravings and super heavy periods and anxiety (which sucks!).  I am trying to adjust to this and get things back under control.  I actually have been really good the past few days and I am getting back to where I need to be.  My motivation is simple.....My daughter who had her surgery in early March is quickly catching up to me.  I am a competitor by nature so I can't let her beat me! (although I am super proud of her!)  My other daughter has also come to the conclusion that she would like to get the sleeve done.  Her motivation is health related.  She is scared because my brother died of an enlarged heart and she has now been diagnosed with high blood pressure and PCOS.  I want what is best for her and I think she is making a great choice.  We were also lucky enough to get her first seminar with Dr. Joyce (He did my surgery and my first daughter's surgery) so he will also be doing Becky's surgery.  I really think he is a fabulous doctor and made us all super comfortable.  So here I go off on another journey, with my kid.  Just keep swimming, just keep swimming,.....