Friday, September 30, 2016

September 30 2016

I am here!  Where is here?  It's a plateau.  I have been the same weight now for 4 months.  It has been very stable.  This sucks!!!  Yes, I cheat.  and Yes, I am eating fruit.  But at least I am not gaining.  This is the longest stretch of time that I have not gained weight!  Victory!!!!  I guess.  I am afraid to go to the doctors office and for him to say I am a failure because I am not losing.

I do have other reasons besides the cheating and fruit.  STRESS!!!!  Stress is my downfall.  Since the last post I have gotten a divorce and my nephew was killed by an Amtrak train.  If that wasn't enough stress, I have been acting supervisor at work for the past 4-5 weeks.  It's the post office.  It's stress.  Trust me.

So what am I going to do about this.  Well.....I will tell you what I did.  I have been on Lexapro for PMDD for about 10 years now.  It has run it's course and my body does't react to it the way it should.  Before my surgery my gyne added Xanax to the mix.  Lovely, but didn't help solve the problem.  This morning I talked to my general practitioner.  She switched me to a different medication.  This one will not only help my symptoms but it will hopefully help with the head hunger.  Yes, because of the stress I have head hunger and all I have ever known is to eat.  And eat I have.  Even if I wasn't cheating I was still eating A L O T of the right foods.  I don't expect miracles from this drug but I really do hope it helps.  Talk to you all soon.


Starting weight 281
Current weight 222
Height  5'10"