Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Image result for gallbladder

It's been a while since i last posted.  Life has been.....hectic. Life and work always get in the way. Here i am 14 months post op and I find myself in pain.  It hurts!!!  I have had a CT scan done and was told I have a small kidney stone (which I passed) and no gall stones.   So why am I still in pain?!?!?!  Every time I eat a meal of meat and vegetables I am in pain.  It hurts on my right side in the back and front and sometimes in my chest.  All the research I have done points to an aggravated gallbladder.  The PA at my PCP has no idea.  So tomorrow I go to my weightloss surgeon to see if he can help me figure this out.  Did i mention i hurts??!!! 

As for the rest of the progress post surgery, well, there is no progress.  I am and have been stuck for 8 months now at the same weight.  Yes, it's my fault.  I am weak and I cheat.  However, I have a goal of losing 20 pounds (which would put me at 200#) by October of this year.  That is when my family is going to Universal Studios.  I just want to be able to get on a ride and not have to worry whether or not my butt will fit in the seat. It would also be nice to fit comfortably in the air plane too.  Darn it Southwest, can't you make your seats a little more roomy???  Speaking of Southwest, I go to Vegas next week for a few days.  Let's hope I fit in the seat without losing circulation in my thighs!!!