Thursday, October 22, 2015

I'm Approved!!!!!

Oh My Goodness!!!!! And Thank you GOD!!!!!!   I got my approval letter from the insurance company on Monday when I got home from work.  I cannot tell you how excited I am!!!!!

Deep Breath

I emailed the ladies at BMI Surgery and told them the good news.  So what is the next step?  Well, I scheduled my surgery and pre-surgery classes.  Since I am a US Postal Letter Carrier this was a tricky one. I could have had the surgery November 24 but I don't want to miss all the overtime in December or the tips.  So I took the last possible date I could for this year, December 22!!!

I can't tell you what a relief this is for me.  I now have a thinner future to look forward to and a healthier one to boot.   I can only imagine the things ahead for me but I can't wait to enjoy them all!!!

To anyone reading this, don't give up on your journey either.  With lots of prayer and hard work you can do any thing!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The waiting begins....

So on Oct 8, 2015 I went in for my final weigh-in of my 3 month doctor monitored weight loss.  I was down 2 pounds.  What a relief.  Now everything goes to my insurance company and they have 30 business days (6 weeks) to approve/deny my surgery.  It has been a prayerful journey and I feel as though it is God driven.  Everything has gone so smoothly.  Not to say there have not been any hiccups, but all is well with my soul on this journey.

This picture of my was taken at Starved Rock on Oct 12, 2015.  As I look at it I do not see me.  I see my head on someone else's body.  I do not picture myself this big.  But here I am.  The hard part is that my friends say that I look "great".  All I see is fat.  My goal is to return next year and hope I can find this tree or a similar one so I can retake this picture.  I am really excited to see the results.

Talk to you again around November 2.  That is my next Dr. appointment.