Thursday, October 22, 2015

I'm Approved!!!!!

Oh My Goodness!!!!! And Thank you GOD!!!!!!   I got my approval letter from the insurance company on Monday when I got home from work.  I cannot tell you how excited I am!!!!!

Deep Breath

I emailed the ladies at BMI Surgery and told them the good news.  So what is the next step?  Well, I scheduled my surgery and pre-surgery classes.  Since I am a US Postal Letter Carrier this was a tricky one. I could have had the surgery November 24 but I don't want to miss all the overtime in December or the tips.  So I took the last possible date I could for this year, December 22!!!

I can't tell you what a relief this is for me.  I now have a thinner future to look forward to and a healthier one to boot.   I can only imagine the things ahead for me but I can't wait to enjoy them all!!!

To anyone reading this, don't give up on your journey either.  With lots of prayer and hard work you can do any thing!

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