Sunday, February 28, 2016

Two Months Post Sleeve

Feb 28, 2016

I am a little past two months from getting my sleeve surgery.  I feel really healthy but I am still adapting to the small portions.  I am down 42 pounds from my highest weight, 40 pounds from starting weight, and 35 down from pre-surgery.

The pictures are a little dark but I can really see the difference, FINALLY.  I had a long plateau (9 days) where I was exactly 241.2 pounds.  The scale wouldn't budge.  So frustrating.  But I got on the scale this morning and it finally moved again.  I took a great big deep breath.  

Now it's time to share some dirty little issues.  I have been cheating.  Not a lot but it is still cheating.  I have had a banana or two, a candy cane here and there, even a peanut butter egg.  I know it will slow things down as far as weight loss goes but these damn cravings!!!  I also do not exercise as much as I should.  However, it was in the 50's yesterday and 60's today so the dogs and I did get some exercise and fresh air.  It felt great.  I guess the point of me telling on myself is that we are all human.  We all have flaws and will go through setbacks dealing with our own demons.  You just have to keep going.  And I am.  I won't bore you with the stress I have had this week but I am still here and I am still going strong.  Now to get back on the wagon and lose some more weight. 

My personal goal is to lose a total of 50 pounds by the time my doctor appointment rolls around mid-April.  Wish me luck and lots of prayers.  

Monday, February 8, 2016

Rough Week

Well it's been a rough week.  My last living grandparent dies on Friday.  It started out with her breaking her hip at 93 years old.  She only lasted a few days in the hospital before her heart gave out.  It was her time.  Her wake is today and funeral tomorrow.

As for how I handled it......I really wanted to eat!  But thank goodness I had this amazing surgery done.  I cheated, of course.  I think I had 3 or 4 Reese's PB Eggs and half of a Toblerone.  Since I am only 7 weeks out from surgery I still can't eat very much.  It is helping me learn to cope in different ways than I used to.  I have tried to keep busy and I watched a lot of TV and Facebook.  At night I used Xanax to help me sleep.  It was the best I could do to cope.

On a good note, I am down 37.2 pounds in those 7 weeks.  I am so excited!  Of course I have seen people on the BE support group I am on lose a lot faster but I am very happy with where I am at.  I am down almost 2 pants sizes and my work uniforms are falling off of me.  Thank goodness for long underwear!!!  (I am a letter carrier).  I also registered for the workout room at Silver Cross Hospital.  As a patient I get to use that 3 days a week for free.  So I will be taking full advantage after work on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Sure beats paying for a gym membership.

Here's to a good week for everyone.  Happy losing!!!!