Monday, February 8, 2016

Rough Week

Well it's been a rough week.  My last living grandparent dies on Friday.  It started out with her breaking her hip at 93 years old.  She only lasted a few days in the hospital before her heart gave out.  It was her time.  Her wake is today and funeral tomorrow.

As for how I handled it......I really wanted to eat!  But thank goodness I had this amazing surgery done.  I cheated, of course.  I think I had 3 or 4 Reese's PB Eggs and half of a Toblerone.  Since I am only 7 weeks out from surgery I still can't eat very much.  It is helping me learn to cope in different ways than I used to.  I have tried to keep busy and I watched a lot of TV and Facebook.  At night I used Xanax to help me sleep.  It was the best I could do to cope.

On a good note, I am down 37.2 pounds in those 7 weeks.  I am so excited!  Of course I have seen people on the BE support group I am on lose a lot faster but I am very happy with where I am at.  I am down almost 2 pants sizes and my work uniforms are falling off of me.  Thank goodness for long underwear!!!  (I am a letter carrier).  I also registered for the workout room at Silver Cross Hospital.  As a patient I get to use that 3 days a week for free.  So I will be taking full advantage after work on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Sure beats paying for a gym membership.

Here's to a good week for everyone.  Happy losing!!!!

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