Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A long long wait

It's been a long wait since I was approved.  I am still hanging in there.  I have two appointments next week.  One is to sign my surgical consent, the other is a nutrition class to get me ready for surgery.  I have approx. 2 pounds to lose to get back to the last weigh-in weight.  I plan on having lots of soup to help with that.  I am also getting scared and excited.  

Actually, I could have already had my surgery already but I chose to wait.  I am a letter carrier and December is all about the overtime.  I did not want to miss out on that money.  So I wait and yes, I do get inside my own head quite a bit.  I feel like this is a God driven journey.  Everything has happened just the way it was supposed to so that is what I tell myself when I get into a funk.  
I know it will be worth it!  I am a healthy person other than this weight (and asthma) so this just makes sense.  I know I can't do it by myself so I am trusting God in this journey.

More to come after appointments next week!

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