Sunday, January 31, 2016

5 1/2 weeks Post-Surgery

I had my 3 week follow up with the doctor on January 15, 2016.  I was down 21 pounds since surgery and 28 pounds from my heaviest weight.  The doctor said I was doing well.  (He's not very talkative). After my appointment I had about a 20 minute gap to fill before my post-surgery class so I just did laps in the hallway to get some steps in.  The class was pretty good.  I learned a few things but also knew a bit because I have been doing all kinds of research since I made the surgery decision.

A big plus was knowing I can now take the orientation class to use the hospital weight room free of charge.  So I set that all up.  I am kinda excited about that since I can go in three days a week and do strength training there and then use my treadmill or bike at home and it doesn't cost me anything.  I am learning from my youngest daughter that anything you can get for free you should get.

As for eating, it is still a struggle.  What I mean by that is I have a lot of head hunger, especially during my PMS week.  I suffer from an extra special type of PMS called PMDD.  So when my head hunger wants something it screams and yells like a little child.  I have been able to somewhat subdue it with No Sugar Added Hot Chocolate and Sugar Free Chocolate Pudding. I say somewhat because I have given in and had a Reese's Christmas Tree or Two or a donut at work.  I'm very thankful for the sleeve because it doesn't allow me to over do anything. One of the best decisions of my life.

My protein intake is going very well, just on real food.  Once in a while I will have a protein shake but I have found it to not be necessary for the protein.  I pack P3 snacks and cheese sticks in my cooler for lunch and have my veggies at home.  Again, No Regrets!!!

My stats for weight as of this morning:  I am down 34 pounds!!!!  WooHoo!!!!!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Three weeks POST-Surgery

Tomorrow will mark 3 weeks from my Gastric Sleeve surgery.  It's been a weird ride to say the least.
Let me try to recap.

Day 1-  Sleep all day.  Have catheter in place.  Hate it!
Day 2- Could not sleep.  Walked a lot.  Hernia repair painful every time I roll out of bed.  I manage.
Day 3- I go home, armed with 3 days worth of syringes full of blood thinners and my pain meds.  Arrive and promptly go to my recliner.

While at home I forced myself to get up and move and rely on pain meds for the next 7 days because of hernia repair.  I was told my hiatal hernia was very large, resulting in the doctor having to pull my stomach back down through my diaphragm and back where it belongs before continuing with the repair and then the VSG. 

Week 2- Pain is slowly going away, better each day.  Trying not to take anything for pain.  I have insomnia.  Very hard for me to fall asleep at night.  Good news- No acid reflux!   I take advantage of the mild weather to go for 20 minute walks outside.  At this point I am down 23 pounds and have hit a stall.  

Found that I need to make sure I am eating at least 1000 calories to continue weight loss.  This is difficult.  But I am trying.  Weight now coming off 2/10 of a pound at a time.  I am getting frustrated but thanks to support from the BariatricEating Support page on Facebook I keep pushing on.  I still step on the scale every day but I am trying not to let the numbers get to me.  

That brings me to today.  I am currently wearing both a FitBit and a Garmin Vivofit.  Why?  I have owned my FitBit for over a year and I love it!!!  I love that I can challenge my friends.  The Garmin is from the doctors office.  This is the one they prefer. I am going to wear it until I see how they will use it to track my progress or if they even use it at all.  If they do not check it then I am going to give the Garmin to my niece and stick with FitBit.  I am now down 24 pounds, losing only 1 pound last week.  I am okay with that for now.  I think my body is just trying to adjust.  I am sure my wacky hormones have a play in that too.  

3 week follow up with doctor on Friday.  I'll keep you all posted.  Have a great day!!!!