Sunday, July 26, 2015

The Beginning -June 3 2015

I had had it.  I was at my wit's end.  After 6 months of walking a mail route I had lost 30 pounds.  Now I am back on an all driving mail route (I'm a letter carrier for USPS) and the weight magically reappeared.  So I started searching online for a larger pair of uniform shorts.  Guess what.  I already wear the largest size that is made for women!  If I gain any more weight I will have to custom order my uniform pants/shorts at $150 a piece.  I was done!!!  I remembered speaking with two of my friends about getting lap-bands, one of which had her's done at Silver Cross hospital.  So I made an appointment to attend their informational seminar.  The seminar was on June 3, 2015.  I left this hour long presentation so excited about this new journey I wanted to undertake.  I also decided that it wasn't the lap-band I wanted but a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy. 

Now I wait.....

The doctor's office only does new patient meetings on Wednesday and Friday.  Since my next Friday off work was July 3rd, this day was not an option.  So I had to wait all the way to July 22 for this appointment!

Let the mental struggles begin....

During the next 7 loooong weeks my mind decided it was time to play games with me.  That silly little mind decided to bring up all my Weight Watcher failures.  Then she reminded me about the "weight-loss" doctor I saw who for a period of six weeks who just handed me a bottle of Phentermine and sent me on my way.  Another failure.  Oh yes, the doctor that told me I was not FAT enough to have metabolic syndrome but treated me anyway.  I mean really, not fat enough???  I'm 5'10'' and weigh 280 pounds.  How am I not fat enough???!!!!  Fortunately I have a great support system in place.  I have Betty, who has been through gastric bypass.  She has been a great sounding board during my bad days.  You can't beat knowing a person who has been there.  I also have two other friends and my sister who are probably very tired of me talking about how I won't qualify and how nervous I was and how I don't have enough co-morbidities, etc, etc.  I am really thankful for them.  Without my friends I would have driven myself absolutely crazy, well more so than I already am-LOL.  

So I continue to wait.....

P.S.  Pintrest has been a great resource of information during this waiting time.  I have learned a great deal, seen many videos, and come up with a few questions for the doctor.

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