Monday, September 28, 2015

A Very Rough Month

Image result for UGH!!!

Well, this month stinks.  It's been very slow going as far as my weight-loss for my "Dr monitored" program which isn't really a program.  I have stayed the same until this morning where I showed a 8/10 of a pound weight loss.  Whoop Dee Do.  I also noticed something.  The doctor's office is fabulous as a support system after you have surgery, but before you have surgery and during this weight-loss crap they are pretty much non-existent.  That is frustrating.  

I also ran into issues with my Psych consult.  I had my appointment on Sept 2 and as of Friday Sept 25 they still hadn't transmitted my report to the doctor's office.  WTF!  I left a message with the psych office and I am going to check again with BMI doctor today to see if it was received.  Everything seems to be continuing to lead me to this path except for the stinkin' Psychologist. 

I go for my final weigh-in for this 3 month thing on Oct 8. 2015.  I need to be down at least 2 pounds.  Wish me luck!!!!

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