Thursday, September 10, 2015

Second of Three Dr Monitored Weightloss

Today was my second weigh-in for the doctor monitored weight loss plan that my insurance company requires.  I am excited.  I lost 5 pounds!  Yes, the process of getting there sucked but I did it.  I am still off of Pepsi and I am still doing one meal a day as an Atkins shake.  I have found that switching Chocolate and Vanilla is nice for a change but I prefer the Chocolate.   I have all of my "other" doctor appointments completed.  There was a glitch I found today.  My primary doctor did not send over my weight records for the past two years (a requirement for my insurance company).  So the ladies in the WLD office resent the request and I stopped there on the way home.  My PCP claimed that they never got the initial request.  Whatever.  So I waited while she got all of the papers together.  Otherwise, things have been running very smoothly during this entire process.  That actually scares me a bit.  Things in my life don't ever go the way they are supposed to.  I am sure I will run into a road block somewhere but until then I will just keep at it.  I hope you do too!!!!

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