Sunday, December 27, 2015

Surgery Was A Success

I don't remember much pre-surgery.  I lost 8 pounds in the two weeks leading up to surgery on the protein shake diet that was prescribed.  At the hospital I had to wash with special wipes to help avoid
infection and then wait.  As I was getting wheeled to the OR I heard the nurse say "OK, I gave you something to relax you".  That's the last thing I remember.   

I woke up in recovery and shortly there after I was wheeled to my room.  I was in a lot of pain,  I found out before surgery that I had a hiatal hernia.  So it was no surprise to me that it was fixed.  The surprise was that, in the doctor's words, "It was a very large hernia".  It as also been the source of my pain since surgery.  If I do not take the pain pills then it is very hard to breathe.  

I came home Christmas Eve.  I sleep a lot more than I am used to.  I also started the pureed phase of the diet.  It hurts.  It does not hurt my stomach, it hurts my hernia repair.  I can feel every swallow as it goes through my esophagus. passed the diaphragm, and in to my stomach. I eat slowly.  Each day is getting a little better.  

Side Note:  The nurse who removed my staples before leaving the hospital was using the tool wrong and made some incisions worse.   When they go to remove your staples, make sure that the side with the two prongs is on the bottom and the one prong is on top.  Trust me, it is important.  Thanks to this nurse I now have to check my incisions and put antibiotic cream on them because she has two of them very inflamed.  Also, when the nurses take your morphine away DO NOT be afraid to ask for pain meds.  I don't care how cranky the nurse seems, you needs to pain control.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

This Pre-Op diet is tough

Wow!  I'm not going to lie.  The first two days of this pre-op diet were killer.  I had a severe "dull" headache and brain fog for two days.  There was nothing that I could do about it either.  I had panic attacks and I wanted carbs very very badly.  I felt like this was the worst thing I could have ever done to myself, especially with Christmas right around the corner.  Thankfully I had a great support group of friends who have helped talk me through this.  Have I cheated.  Yes.  I have been adding PB2 powder to my disgusting chocolate protein drinks.  It really does help make them tolerable.  Yes, it adds 45 calories but no sugar so I am able to maintain the ketone burning levels the doctor wants.  I check this by using ketone test strips I got at the pharmacy.  It's a great tool to help me know I am still doing what I am supposed to.  And again, thankfully after two days my headache went away.  I am more alert now and I hopefully will stop screwing up at work.  On Thursday I delivered a package to the wrong house and then when I went back the people were not home.  Unfortunately the people who ordered it needed it that night for a program at school.  I felt terrible.  I even went back a second time.  No luck.  So lets see where I am in the countdown... I will get my surgery in 9 days.  I go back and forth with the fact that I am scared and excited then angry and nervous.  I know this is the right thing to do.  I feel like God has led me in this direction and I don't want to let this opportunity to better myself slip away.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Pre-Op Diet

Okay, here we go!!!!  I went to my 4 hour nutrition and pro-op class yesterday.  Let me just say.....I am afraid.  The diet consists on 2 protein shakes per day, 64 ounces of water, sugar-fee jello and sugar-free popsicles, AND one meal consisting of 4 oz of meat and a non-starchy vegetable.  I am supposed to start this morning but..... I am afraid.  I have the first shake all mixed up and ready to drink (did I mention you can only mix it with water!!!!).  I hope it tastes good.  Like I said, I am afraid.  Surgery is on December 22 and I will go home on Christmas.  I will keep this updated as I get closer and closer to surgery.  I am getting nervous.  I hope I am doing the right thing.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

A long long wait

It's been a long wait since I was approved.  I am still hanging in there.  I have two appointments next week.  One is to sign my surgical consent, the other is a nutrition class to get me ready for surgery.  I have approx. 2 pounds to lose to get back to the last weigh-in weight.  I plan on having lots of soup to help with that.  I am also getting scared and excited.  

Actually, I could have already had my surgery already but I chose to wait.  I am a letter carrier and December is all about the overtime.  I did not want to miss out on that money.  So I wait and yes, I do get inside my own head quite a bit.  I feel like this is a God driven journey.  Everything has happened just the way it was supposed to so that is what I tell myself when I get into a funk.  
I know it will be worth it!  I am a healthy person other than this weight (and asthma) so this just makes sense.  I know I can't do it by myself so I am trusting God in this journey.

More to come after appointments next week!