Sunday, December 13, 2015

This Pre-Op diet is tough

Wow!  I'm not going to lie.  The first two days of this pre-op diet were killer.  I had a severe "dull" headache and brain fog for two days.  There was nothing that I could do about it either.  I had panic attacks and I wanted carbs very very badly.  I felt like this was the worst thing I could have ever done to myself, especially with Christmas right around the corner.  Thankfully I had a great support group of friends who have helped talk me through this.  Have I cheated.  Yes.  I have been adding PB2 powder to my disgusting chocolate protein drinks.  It really does help make them tolerable.  Yes, it adds 45 calories but no sugar so I am able to maintain the ketone burning levels the doctor wants.  I check this by using ketone test strips I got at the pharmacy.  It's a great tool to help me know I am still doing what I am supposed to.  And again, thankfully after two days my headache went away.  I am more alert now and I hopefully will stop screwing up at work.  On Thursday I delivered a package to the wrong house and then when I went back the people were not home.  Unfortunately the people who ordered it needed it that night for a program at school.  I felt terrible.  I even went back a second time.  No luck.  So lets see where I am in the countdown... I will get my surgery in 9 days.  I go back and forth with the fact that I am scared and excited then angry and nervous.  I know this is the right thing to do.  I feel like God has led me in this direction and I don't want to let this opportunity to better myself slip away.

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