Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Three Months Post Surgery

I am finally three months post surgery.  I am down 47 pounds from my highest weight and 45 pounds from my starting weight.  I am very pleased.  Yes, I struggle and yes, I have cheated but I'm only human.  I just need to remind myself of that from time to time.  I also need to stop comparing myself to the people on the Facebook support page I am on.  Some of those people lose so much more so quickly but then you see how they were on all liquids for 3 weeks after surgery and then pureed foods more 2-3 more weeks then soft foods for 2-3 more before they could actually eat.  I think I have it rough now, Oh my goodness, I would lose my mind of my doctor made us do that!!!

It has also been nice working in another post office for the last week and a half.  It's a change of scenery and people and responsibility.  I think my mind needed it.  I have actually gotten myself somewhat under better control.  My biggest struggle right now is the evening.  I find my mind wandering and thinking about food.  I think I need to start working on my quilting again or pull my ukulele back out and play a little.  I just need the distraction.

Overall things are getting easier again and I just need to keep going.  Looking forward to strawberries and apples soon.  I miss my smoothies made with coconut milk.  Yummy.  Until the next post, Just keep going.  We didn't get where we were overnight and cannot fix it overnight either.  All good things take time and we are worth it!!!!!

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