Thursday, August 27, 2015

3 cookies = 3 pounds Ugh!!!

So let me start by saying I suffer from PMDD (Pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder).  Unknowing to me, yesterday I was 4 days away from day 1 of my cycle.  I could feel something was up though, since I was having a minor irrational panic attack.  So I took a Xanax and I called two different friends.  I felt better.  UNTIL I went to the store.  I walked to the store for eggs.  I came back with Ginger Ale, Cookie Dough, Eggs, and some Roast Beef.  I know, I know, I have been doing so well.  I was down 3.6 pounds and I was very proud of myself.  Then I got on the scale this morning.  I literally gained 3 pounds overnight!!!!  I'm pissed!!!!  I know this is a "normal" part of the female cycle but WTF!!!!  Thankfully I do not go weigh in until September 10.  I should be back down by then.  It's just like UGH, you know.  I took an over the counter water pill because in my mind, it will make me feel better.  It's just a "THIS ISN"T FAIR" moment.  Anyway, thanks for reading my rant.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Does Coke count as Pepsi?

Image result for Coke Pepsi

Well, this week has been very trying at work.  A lot of stress and overtime.  But I made it to today and now I am on vacation for the week.  Ahhhhh.  I went to my nephews football game this afternoon and since I was right by Portillo's I decided to get a chopped salad for lunch....with a coke.  Oops!  I forgot myself and just ordered.  To be honest with you, it really wasn't satisfying either.  I could have gone without.  But I think that too is a victory.  I can survive without the pop AND if I have a little bit because I forgot myself I can keep going and not come undone.  Yea me!

Good news too!  I am down 3 pounds from my initial weigh-in for the 3 month medically supervised weight loss.   Can I be honest again here.  The medical weight loss is a joke.  They have really done nothing to help me except to tell me that if I do not lose 2 pounds per month then my insurance can disqualify me from surgery.  SO I am still doing my Atkins shakes.  Usually Vanilla but I have found a new love in the chocolate as well.  Since I am on vacation, I will keep up the walking every day and I know my dogs will love that too.  Have a great week!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Two Doctor's Cleared- One to Go!

Image result for work in progress

Yesterday I had my pulmonary testing done.  It was a breeze.  I had to breathe a lot into a machine in many different ways to measure many different things.  It was not a problem for me since I have Asthma and have already done a few of these tests.  Good news!  I am cleared by the pulmonologist for surgery!  Now I just have to get the Psych done and lose some weight.

As for the Pepsi update; I am two weeks Pepsi free!!!  Yes, I miss it terribly.  But I know that this will be the best thing I do in getting ready for surgery.   I have also decided to replace my daily lunch with an Atkins shake.  I know the liquid phase is a month or two out but I want to get used to this in steps.  So far I am doing okay, but I find I get headaches mid-day because I think my sugar gets low at work.   I am bringing fruit for snacks to help with that but I do occasionally give in and buy a Hershey bar at the gas station when I stop to use the restroom.  I'm a work in progress.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

5 Days No Pepsi

Sunday August 9, 2015

It's been 5 days now without my beloved Pepsi.  I am still getting headaches but they are not as intense.  I am no longer having the huge cravings for my Pepsi, it's more of a mental desire now. I have noticed that I am not as hungry without my sweet drink.  So it does give me hope.  I know I have a tough road ahead of me with the sleeve surgery so if I can beat this battle I know I can make it through the rest of them.

Wednesday I go with Cristal, my 21 year old, to the seminar so that she too can begin this process.  Since her insurance is different from mine she will have a 6 month medical diet.  It works out well though.  She will graduate college next May so we can plan for her surgery around that time.

  I have also come up with several new questions to ask the Doctor.  My biggest worry now is Gallstones.  I have read on some posts that some doctors give anti-gallstone meds after surgery.  I have also read that some people have to go back for surgery to remove their gall bladder.  Right now I am thinking "If you're already in there just take that out too!".  I will wait and see what Doctor Joyce has to say.

Next week is my pulmonary appointment and then September 2 is my second attempt at Psych clearance.  Let's hope this new doctor shows up for my appointment.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Pepsi Withdrawl

Image result for Pepsi

So I decided to start yesterday with giving up Pepsi.  I went all day without any, with the exception of one mouthful at the flea market in Shipshewana.  The headache started around 8 pm.  It just intensified from there.   I had one of the worst headaches of my life throughout the entire night.  I also had the shakes and I was freezing cold.  Woke up around 5:45 this morning still with the headache.  Ibuprofen seemed to help after I took some.  It's now 10 am and I seem to be doing a lot better.  Going to keep my fingers crossed that I can keep going.  I know I need to do this for my health and my family.  If my girls can see me do this then I hope it will give them the strength they need to accomplish their own battles.

August 4th

Today was my first official "month" of my 3 month doctor directed weight-loss plan.  Seriously?  We sat in a room for 2 hours and learned not to much.  First speaker was the Doctor's Nurse.  She actually spoke about insurance requirements and dedication and that realistically I only need to lose two pounds per month over the next 3 months to "qualify".  Well that's do-able.

Then the dietitian came in.  He was not that helpful.  He read straight from a handout and ended every sentence with "Okay".  Basically what I got from him was to give up Soda and sweets now because it will be murder if I wait until surgery.

The highlight of this whole experience was actually from a lady who came in to the office to buy vitamins.  I asked her about the taste and the nurse gave me a sample.  Taste like Flintstones.  I can do those!  Then she rode the elevator down with me and she had the sleeve done in February.  It's August 4th and she is down 95 pounds!!!  We talked a little bit more and she said she never regretted the surgery.  Yes, it can be hard at times but it is worth it.  I really needed to hear that!  I have been praying about whether this is the right decision for me and I feel like God sent this woman to me to confirm what I felt.  I am so happy I met her!!!!

Friday is my Psych evaluation.  I'll post more after that.  For now, it's time to give up the Pepsi.  I am not looking forward to that journey.

Image result for scale

Monday August 3rd

Cardiac Approval

I went to the cardiologist last week for an EKG to see if I would be approved for surgery.  I was told there was a slight abnormality and that I needed an Echo but "it's nothing to worry about".  Really!!!!  That's me heart!  Good news though.  My Echo came back normal so I am approved for surgery as far as the cardiologist is concerned.  Hurdle 1 complete!!