Thursday, August 27, 2015

3 cookies = 3 pounds Ugh!!!

So let me start by saying I suffer from PMDD (Pre-menstrual dysphoric disorder).  Unknowing to me, yesterday I was 4 days away from day 1 of my cycle.  I could feel something was up though, since I was having a minor irrational panic attack.  So I took a Xanax and I called two different friends.  I felt better.  UNTIL I went to the store.  I walked to the store for eggs.  I came back with Ginger Ale, Cookie Dough, Eggs, and some Roast Beef.  I know, I know, I have been doing so well.  I was down 3.6 pounds and I was very proud of myself.  Then I got on the scale this morning.  I literally gained 3 pounds overnight!!!!  I'm pissed!!!!  I know this is a "normal" part of the female cycle but WTF!!!!  Thankfully I do not go weigh in until September 10.  I should be back down by then.  It's just like UGH, you know.  I took an over the counter water pill because in my mind, it will make me feel better.  It's just a "THIS ISN"T FAIR" moment.  Anyway, thanks for reading my rant.

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