Sunday, August 9, 2015

5 Days No Pepsi

Sunday August 9, 2015

It's been 5 days now without my beloved Pepsi.  I am still getting headaches but they are not as intense.  I am no longer having the huge cravings for my Pepsi, it's more of a mental desire now. I have noticed that I am not as hungry without my sweet drink.  So it does give me hope.  I know I have a tough road ahead of me with the sleeve surgery so if I can beat this battle I know I can make it through the rest of them.

Wednesday I go with Cristal, my 21 year old, to the seminar so that she too can begin this process.  Since her insurance is different from mine she will have a 6 month medical diet.  It works out well though.  She will graduate college next May so we can plan for her surgery around that time.

  I have also come up with several new questions to ask the Doctor.  My biggest worry now is Gallstones.  I have read on some posts that some doctors give anti-gallstone meds after surgery.  I have also read that some people have to go back for surgery to remove their gall bladder.  Right now I am thinking "If you're already in there just take that out too!".  I will wait and see what Doctor Joyce has to say.

Next week is my pulmonary appointment and then September 2 is my second attempt at Psych clearance.  Let's hope this new doctor shows up for my appointment.

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