Thursday, August 6, 2015

August 4th

Today was my first official "month" of my 3 month doctor directed weight-loss plan.  Seriously?  We sat in a room for 2 hours and learned not to much.  First speaker was the Doctor's Nurse.  She actually spoke about insurance requirements and dedication and that realistically I only need to lose two pounds per month over the next 3 months to "qualify".  Well that's do-able.

Then the dietitian came in.  He was not that helpful.  He read straight from a handout and ended every sentence with "Okay".  Basically what I got from him was to give up Soda and sweets now because it will be murder if I wait until surgery.

The highlight of this whole experience was actually from a lady who came in to the office to buy vitamins.  I asked her about the taste and the nurse gave me a sample.  Taste like Flintstones.  I can do those!  Then she rode the elevator down with me and she had the sleeve done in February.  It's August 4th and she is down 95 pounds!!!  We talked a little bit more and she said she never regretted the surgery.  Yes, it can be hard at times but it is worth it.  I really needed to hear that!  I have been praying about whether this is the right decision for me and I feel like God sent this woman to me to confirm what I felt.  I am so happy I met her!!!!

Friday is my Psych evaluation.  I'll post more after that.  For now, it's time to give up the Pepsi.  I am not looking forward to that journey.

Image result for scale

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