Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Two Doctor's Cleared- One to Go!

Image result for work in progress

Yesterday I had my pulmonary testing done.  It was a breeze.  I had to breathe a lot into a machine in many different ways to measure many different things.  It was not a problem for me since I have Asthma and have already done a few of these tests.  Good news!  I am cleared by the pulmonologist for surgery!  Now I just have to get the Psych done and lose some weight.

As for the Pepsi update; I am two weeks Pepsi free!!!  Yes, I miss it terribly.  But I know that this will be the best thing I do in getting ready for surgery.   I have also decided to replace my daily lunch with an Atkins shake.  I know the liquid phase is a month or two out but I want to get used to this in steps.  So far I am doing okay, but I find I get headaches mid-day because I think my sugar gets low at work.   I am bringing fruit for snacks to help with that but I do occasionally give in and buy a Hershey bar at the gas station when I stop to use the restroom.  I'm a work in progress.

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